Friday, June 02, 2006


I have been thinking about culture lately. What is my culture? I am Canadian. I am part of the Christian community. I am part of the Lower Class. Does this define my culture? Does this define me?
I have spent some time in other cultures and this has made me think. Every country and religion has its own culture. Even within each culture there are other cultures. My Canadian experience has formed me and frames my life. My 'culture' tells me what is right and wrong, what is good and bad and how to form relationships and keep them. It tells me how to speak to strangers and neighbours. How to order a pizza, even how to use the toilet and clean myself. Canadians do all this in a different way than other cultures do. The sub-culture of my family or ethnic heritage even dictates how I hear what other people say. Married couples deal with this all the time. After all a marriage is really the coming together of two different cultures. It is an invisible cloak that we can not take off no matter how long we live within another culture. It will always form our opinions and beliefs.
So all this has made me wonder what is wrong with my culture and what is right. What can I learn from other cultures and sub-cultures. This brought me to one thought. What is God's culture? What does He want? What is the Heavenly culture that I one day will know? Can I know it now? I believe it is true that all Truth comes from God. I believe that every culture and sub-culture on earth owns a piece of His Heavenly culture. I want to find it all. I feel like I see everything through a fog. Knowing but not quite understanding. Wanting but never having. I truly feel the shackles of Earth regarding this topic.


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