Saturday, April 01, 2006


I am tired today.
Been kicked around abit.
I have done the right thing and got the wrong response.
So here is the question.
When I am put under pressure what should squeeze out of me?
You know what I mean.
If you put stuff under pressure stuff squeezes out.
If you step on a bug the guts squirt out.
If you squish grapes you get wine (eventually).
But what do you get when you pressurize me?
I know what I want to come out but is that what really happens?
When I am under pressure I want Jesus to squirt out of me.....BUT.......
I fear that all that comes out of me is squishy rotten ME.
I am sad about that.


Blogger hayes said...

Here's a question. Should be being squeezed. Perhaps not being squeezed is the answer which would then transfer the problem to the squeezer?

There are good squeezes and bad ones. First figure out which it is then go from there. Don't be unjustly squeezed!

10:33 AM

Blogger hayes said...

I ment- should you be being squeezed (probably not proper english but close enough right?)

10:34 AM

Blogger Kellie Huffman said...

Heather, you are amazing. And I know in this situation you kept your cool and your focus on the ministry not on reacting to the squeezer. To the other women involved you showed the proper way to behave in such a situation, with dignity and even emotions. This is like your first "big" ministry test, since you can't be in ministry without working with others. Keep your focus on Jesus' role in all this. I'm praying for you and the others involved. This must be resolved.

8:22 AM


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