Saturday, January 27, 2007


I AM LIVING MY PERSONAL HELL!! If hell is individually decided then this is mine. Always moving. We had the help of a wonderful friend yesterday who happens to have the use of a large truck. He helped Stephan load all the big stuff last night. Fridge, stove, etc. Last night we slept at the new place and this morning we were able to rent a truck to move the rest. The Budget rental guy totally went above and beyond for us. So now we are loading up the truck with the rest of our 'junk'....I could think of other words to call all this stuff we drag around with us but I am trying hard to keep my mind from going there. Even though I am hating it all I can see how God is helping us through it.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


It is a long and sorted tale but I will condense it.
We move to Gatineau, Stephan got a job in Ottawa.
We are living in a third floor apartment and the people who live below us hate us.
They have complained and we have apologized and then I finally said that we have children and dogs and none of it was a surprise to them. We can not be silent. That was about three weeks ago and today it all hit the fan.
The man that lives down there banged on the door at 8am when Stephan got home from work and lost it. He yelled at Stephan for about 10 minutes and in the process told Stephan that he had been in jail 5 times already and was not afraid of going back. That he was going to 'snap'.
Stephan remained calm.
When he came back home we immediately found a place to rent far from here, called them and went to see it. We hope to be able to move in tomorrow! It is in Barrhaven, a suburb of Ottawa. The rent is more and we had to scrape the money together but it looks good.
So we are on the move again.
I'll let you know when we are back online.