Wednesday, May 03, 2006


So I went to church on Sunday and my head and my heart are still so full. I feel stuffed.
The topic was Children's Ministry and it was all great. Really way to much for me to absorb all at once. About half way through it all I had one thought....... when God looks at my kids He doesn't see them the way I do. God is not limited to time and space the way I am. When He looks at my kids He doesn't only see them as they are 'NOW'. He sees them without the limitation of time and space. When God looks at Noah He sees him as a man. The man of God he will be. All his potential realized. A strong, loving, giving, worshiper of the Most High God. God sees Noah as a man, a boy and a baby all at once. Everything he is and everything he will be. God sees Noah as he will be in eternity. This is too much for me. My head hurts. I want to see my children this way. God grant me this gift.